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Blog Creative Writing Tips: How to Write a Blog

Creative Writing Tips: How to Write a Blog

By Jenni Harrison | Top Tips, Annual Showcase

Creative Writing Tips: How to Write a Blog

Creative Writing Advice for Young Writers - How to Write a Blog

Here are our top tips for writing blog posts - why not give it a try? You could even enter your blog writing into our Annual Showcase competition and get published in a book!

What is a blog?

‘Blog’ is short for ‘weblog’ and was originally a form of personal diary that people shared online. It has since evolved to include any kind of regularly updated page that displays posts or information in reverse chronological order, so the most recent posts are at the top of the page.

This is a blog post!

What should a blog be about?

Anything! The beauty of a blog is can be anything the author wants it to be.

There are blogs about anything and everything – baking, gardening, video games, days out, daily life... you name it! Our blog is all about authors and creative writing.

So the first step is to decide what you want to write about. Think about:

❓ What interests you?

❓ What do you have an opinion on?

❓ What do you want to say?

Think about how much content you can write on your chosen topic. Is there enough there or do you need to widen it so you have more to write about in the future?

For example, my favourite YA book series is Lockwood & Co by Jonathan Stroud, so I could decide to base my blog on that... but there are only five books in the series with no plans for more, so I might run out of ideas to write about after a few posts.

Perhaps it would be better if my blog was about the wider topic of YA Fiction - then I can include posts about Lockwood & Co, but the possibilities of what else to write about are endless!

What format will the blog have?

It could be:

  • A how-to guide with clear steps
  • Tips and advice
  • A list – e.g. Top 10 new video games
  • Information that helps explain something in greater detail
  • An update on your life or events
  • Reviews
  • Opinion pieces

A blog should...

⭐ Have a headline or title that says quickly and clearly what the blog is about

⭐ Include an introduction which explains in it in more detail

⭐ Be clear and easy to read – use paragraph breaks or sub-headings to separate the ideas into sections

Steps For Writing A Blog

  1. Decide on your topic
  2. Do any research needed
  3. Plan out the layout of your blog – think of subheadings or sections now
  4. Write!
  5. Add pictures – either your own or make sure you are allowed to use them – if you’ve found them online they must be copyright-free or you will need to get permission.
  6. Re-read it! Look out for any spelling or grammar errors
  7. Publish it on your preferred platform

Remember – any young bloggers under the age of 13 will need parental consent and monitoring.


Here are some existing blogs – check out how they’ve done it:

So what are we waiting for? Let’s go and write some blogs!

Tips for younger writers:

👉 Book, film and game reviews are a great place to start with a blog. What did you like? What was rubbish? Would you recommend it to your friends?

👉 Write about a day out you’ve had with your family.

👉 It doesn’t have to be too long! Don’t worry about writing loads – it’s better to keep it short than go rambling off topic.

Enter your blog post for a chance to be published in a book!

🌟🌟🌟 Back for 2024, The Young Writers' Annual Showcase 🌟🌟🌟
which celebrates all writing styles and has a 1,000-word limit.

Open to all 4-18 year-olds to showcase their best piece of work; this could be something that's already written or a new piece created especially for entry.

It's a fantastic way to appreciate extended writing on all themes, and a great opportunity for young writers to write at length.

From song lyrics and blog posts, to stories, scripts or an article, we cannot wait to read the work we receive... Find out more here!

Published: Mon 1st Aug 2022

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