Blog Writing tips – Set the scene and choose the setting for your book
By Luke Chapman | Activities, Holiday activities, Kids, Writing Tips, Toolkit
When you read a book, most of us have a clear image in our heads of what the pages may look like if they were real life. An author uses words to carefully explain to a reader what the world in the book may look, smell, taste, hear or feel like. This is a really great skill authors use to engage their readers, and we're here to help you develop this skill and make your readers step into the world you're writing about.
Is your book set underground? Maybe it's in outer space, or is your story taking place at sea? When setting the scene and creating your book there are some important things to think about to help your reader imagine where your book is. What's the setting's geography? Are there mountains or are you in a city? How about the population? Is it a busy city or can no one be seen for miles?
To help you with these we've taken a few pages from our Compete Writer's Toolkit - Junior Edition to help you develop this skill and practice them in an activity! View these pages and practice by downloading them here.
If you want more handy tips and activities to practice your writing skill then grab our Complete Writer's Toolkit - Junior Edition from this link. If you're looking for our Young Adults version you can click here to find it, AND save 10% on both by using the code BLOG10 at checkout!
Published: Tue 2nd Nov 2021