Everyone has an opinion, and everyone is entitled to one. It's what you do with yours that's important and can change the world
Opinions are a part of life, agree, disagree, or maybe not even understand, we all have one. They empower us, they inspire us, they drive us and most importantly... they make us who we are.
There are so many things happening in the world that impact our daily lives. No matter who or where you are there's something we have an opinion on, and there's endless things we should have an opinion on! Whilst going through key stages of our life these events are what shape us and determine our values, therefore nurturing them and looking after them is important.
Helping guide your thoughts and nurture an opinion:
First and foremost, understand, learn, be open-minded. Sometimes it may seem like homework, but learning, reading, and doing your research on a topic that's close to your heart is so important in forming an educated and thoughtful opinion. When learning and researching, make sure you're getting information from a range of sources, even some you disagree with. Understanding push-backs and rebuttals can help understand another perspective and see why others may think differently to you.
Speak. Although others may not be interested in the same things as you, if you're learning about an important topic tell others! If you're trying to achieve something or make a change, awareness is key. Speak to family and friends, use social media to spread a message and educate others on what's important. Help others in the first stage previously mentioned and nurture their journeys.
Keep it up! Sometimes a battle can feel pointless, like you're not achieving anything or reaching new goals, but that's exactly how differences are made. There are countless inspirational people who started as small cogs in a big machine, but they fought daily without fail and kept going. Determination is SO important, and understanding you have the ability to make a change is just as key.
Make a difference. You can do it, we all can, and you certainly can change the world. Use your knowledge, passion, and individual aspirations, inspiration and goals to make a positive impact on someone's life. It really can be done, and you might just be the person the planet needs.
Young people are no less important than adults, elders and everyone else out there. Their opinions are just as important, just as crucial and they have the same ability to make a difference. We can all dream, achieve, and leave a lasting legacy on peoples' lives, so get out there and do it!
Poetry is one way to feel empowered, learn about ourselves and develop a key sense of self. Check out our Empowered poetry competition open for 11-18 year-olds, enter now and find yourself through poetry.
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